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▪ 乘客电梯
▪ 载货电梯
▪ 别墅电梯
▪ 杂物电梯
▪ 餐  梯
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  哈尔滨顺达机电设备有限公司,座落于黑龙江省哈尔滨市动力高新技术产业园区。是一家专业从事客梯、货梯、别墅梯、杂物梯、餐用电梯的技术研发、设计、制造、安装、维修、保养为一体的综合型企业。 公司以现代经营理念和科学技术创新为基础,开发生产引领21世纪新潮流的先进产品,产品应用于商务酒店、宾馆、快餐、医院和科研机构及大专院校的同时,针对现代家庭居住条件和环境的改变,研发出适合于复式楼、别墅等家用电梯。在您享受现代生活的同时,给您带来便捷和超值的服务。通过在实践中不断总结经验,并积极引进国内外一流的科技成果,致力于提高产品质量和性能的同时,针对用户的不同需求,以顾客满意为宗旨,为您奉献一流的产品和满意的服务。本公司生产的电梯已出口非洲与俄罗斯,诚挚欢迎广大客户与我们合作!

  Enterprise Brief lntroduction Harbin Shunda Mechanical&Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd,located in Hei-Iongjiang Province Harbin Dongli District High—Tech development zone,is a professional comprehensive enterprise specialize in technique research,design,manufacture,installation,repair,maintenance of dumbwaiters and restaurant elevator. Based on modern management ldea and science technology creation.Our company has deveIoped products that Ieads the trend in 21st century,ou r products have been used by busIness hotel,hotel,fast food restaurant,hospitals and research institutes,as welI as,colleges and Universities Meanwhiie aimed at changes of modern residence and environment,we developed new product for multi-floor departments and house.Our product brlngs you convenient and valuable service.while enjoying modernIife.With our experience in years,,we have been working on improving quality and performance of our product,by adopting advanced technique.Almed at different customer requi rements concentrated on customer’s satisfaction,we bring you first rate products and satisfied service,,we sincerely welcome you our customers to cooperate with us.


  With years of work..Harbin Shunda Mechanical&ElectricaI Equipment Co,Ltd have developed from an unknown enterprise into leading famous enterprise In the trade now it is the manufacturing base of dumbwaifers in China.We work on our best to satisfy the individual requirements of every customer,from manufacture,installation,maintenance.Moreover,we paid our attention to each product,to make it into a harmony of science and art,Classics and fashion,which can be relied on by our customers.


  We wish friends all over the world,can visit us,gradually get to know to each other you will get a real perception of Harbin Shunda Mechanical&Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd.Let’s make joint efforts for the promotion of mutual understanding and the prosperity of business,we will try our best to meet your needs,every project will be completed in careful way,to devote our effort to the success of your career.